Monday, October 20, 2008


Plastic ink and pigment upon the charcoal and pencil bright of my life.
The spreading sangoire stain haunts the still open grave of my dreams.
Smoke wreathes the cyan expanse above,
Shattered remnants crunch and slice my soles.
"Let go," the whisper comes.
My hoarse breathed voice asks...
"Let go of what?"
Rusted barbed wires and shards blooded upturned, palms dripping...
My silent scream echoed to the abyss...
"You," the inane wisdom answers.
And I fall,
Fall away...
Only to wake.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The arisen Moon shines the brilliance of her gaze
Upon the near barren Guardian standing on the hill.
My steadfast Star bright of face
Playing with the silvered Clouds.
The evening Zephyr teasing my skirt
Kissing my ankles in a cool caress.
Beautiful and ageless words
Writ on the evanescent page of the Earth.