Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hello again, my friends. Sorry I did not get back to you last night. I wound up doing a double feature. We watched "Elf" and "The Preacher's Wife." Kata- you and DH should watch that together... Tell him to make the time one night after new years. Denzel Washington does a good job, and I love the story in general. I love the old one, too. Christmas movies are great... although I really did not care for "Elf" at all! Ferrell did a good job with a bad script, but that about sums it up in my book.

My folks are having it rough with some clients of my Dad's lately and I find myself wondering at the grace with which my Dad is handling them. He REALLY is showing them the love of Christ, and only Y'shua understands how he endures their attacks. I really struggle with anger when those I love are being maligned so. This has happened a lot lately to my close and dear ones. DH, Dad, friends... It is too prevalent. I pray that I can extend the love and forgiveness Christ has shown me to those who need it so obviously.

My LORD came to save those who could not save themselves, holding back nothing good from us, and enduring the wrath of the Father in our/my place. I am in awe and humbled. As I sit here on my Mom's computer in the room that once was my own, I can not help but wonder at the changes Y'shua has wrought in my life, and in the lives of those in my family. These walls have seen a lot of things... And I almost wish they could talk. For all the foolish things, pain-filled things, the down right stupid things that have gone on here would only emphasize the wondrous transformations the miracles of El Shaddai's love have manifested. I know I am rather serious tonight, but that is who I am under all the playfullness.

I try very hard to not let myself become hard hearted and "old." I want to maintain a child like wonder even in the mundane. The mundane is not so mundane when viewed through the eyes of a child. I miss when things like taking showers or washing dishes all had adventure stories attached to them. Y'shua showed us how He did that. He loved parables that turned the mundane things on their heads. Eating meals became symbolic and significant, laughing with children held special truths, a boat ride gone "wrong" instilled awe and wonder worth a lifetime's study. Fishing and farming, loving and sorrowing, anger and joy, baking and sowing... All of it. Every last word of it. Every breath, every heart beat, every thought... Worship and prayers. His life and love were the ultimate adventure from the One who created all adventure. Human words fail to express the merest breath...

How I love my Y'shua. How I fail Him over and over. I am glad He knows the depths of my heart and soul, and "loves me in spite of myself."

Loves to all, especially to the One who holds me in His hands.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What a rush!

It has been a long time, my friends. I am sorry that it has been so. The Holidays are always busy. I love to see them come, and I love to see them go. We have birthdays the week before Christmas, too, for our eldest and a nephew. That makes things particul;arly interesting. We have had a great time with all our various family gatherings, relaxing and fun. There were no fights this year, for whic I am supremely grateful to my Y'shua. Don't read me wrong here... I do not mean knock down drag out kind of things, just resentful bickerings. I always feel awkward around such events 'cause I have very litle patience for them. I tend to step on everyones toes just to have it end.

My DH is really working overtime this week and has gaciously allowed our boys and I to stay over at my folks house for a few days. I love to do this, but I miss him TERRIBLY. I am a "hugger" sort of wifey, and tend to go through withdrawl quick.

My Daddy just announced family movie time, so I gotta run. I'll try to fill ya in on some more in a bit.

Loves to all!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ooops! I forgot.

I almost forgot to let y'all know... The CD I burned worked! I know I'm all over the place in these posts, but... That's me. *shrugs* What else can I say?


Okay, so I have no real excuse for not posting. I'm not gonna make one up now. Let's just suffice it to say that there are Birthdays and Christmas parties galore in December and move on. I am stressed beyond what I am comfortable with, but then again, is that not the whole point of stress? I digress. So what else is new, right?

OH!! I know what else is new! I finally joined the club and got my first cell phone! It's a Motorolla Krazor. I like having it, too much, maybe. I am not sure how to do all the nifty stuff with it yet. I hope it really does do what I hope it does. Ya know? (Or as ChiChiri would say, "NoDah?") I have some time to kill b4 picking up the boys, and I still want to find a good fantasy/sci-fi book whilst I am here at the library. MAybe I could ruin the whole movie experience and find Eregon. Is that how it is spelled? Je ne sai'pas. I don't know if I spelled that right either. I usually do not have to type it! *goofy lop-sided grin on a confused "nani" sort of face* (Yes, Kata and Kirei, I lost it a long time ago... Stop laughing. Seriously. Now. Ugh.)

I really miss writing on my NaNoWriMo novel, but the days float on by almost without my knowing. I am still wondering where October went? I hope that I can get back to it soon, like maybe January. A birthday present to myself, perhaps?
I'm really itching to see "Stranger Than Fiction." I hope to do that this week. I know, it's Wed. Not much week left. Speaking of it being Wed... I hope the boyoes won't give me hassle 'bout doing their lessons. *snarly grimace* They really do not like it when I forget to review them during the week, slow and easy. Which, of course, I always manage to put off. Can we say "procrastination" class? I seem to be a walking definition. Well y'all, I think it is time to go find a good book. Anime supply is getting low, and no matter how much I love Netflix, I still have to wait for the USPS person...
Have a good one! I hope to post soon, but that was my hope last time too...
"Grace, grace, God's grace. Oh, for the grace to trust Him more..."
Loves to all.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What am I doing again?

I find myself wandering around from thing to thing, not really present at any of them. Wednesday is the busiest day for our Fam. Kind of a run here, run there sort of day without much time to breath. So here I sit and I refuse to budge till I've had a chance to do just that! So there! I feel much better now.

Have you ever had those kind of days when your brain is stuck in a fog? My BF and I were talking about that while I attempted to burn a CD using Microsoft Media Player. (Insane, I know... I still have some, emphasis on some, hair left.) I still have not been able to test the new CD to see if it worked. :( Anyhoo, I digress... I feel like I have my feet dangling out of the cloud, and a few wispy hairs. Well, my BF insists on the hairs, I can't tell. I know my feet are kicking about a bit, trying to find something solid to ground on, but it is not working.

I suppose I really should quit procrastinating and get home to the next miserable attempt at the Kiddos assignments for tonight's AWANA class. I have my marching orders for my class already. The Kiddos are sooooo far behind on their work. :(

God is good, my friends, and all I need to do is look up...
Have a blessed time till next we post.
Loves to all.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Christmas traditions

Well, yesterday we put up our Christmas tree. It was an odd sort of time for me. First, it's a fake tree, and I'm still not used to that idea. Second, this is a first Christmas for our pesky Kitty Duo. They are having no end of fun, and I am glad we left the fragile ornaments in the box, safe and sound! I wonder if the thing will still be up when I get home????
I digress, as normal.
After we are officially underway, with Bing Crosby singing away naturally, my nearly 7 year old begins "the whine". He is the one who has been hounding me since Thanksgiving day to get a move on w/this, of course. "Are we done yet? Can I go play Play Station now? How much more do I have to do?" You get the idea. My DH is fending him off with lines about how important this tree decorating thing is to me, etc.
I know it's not right, but I start to feel a bit upset by this whole shebang. You see, growing up in my folks house, Tree Decorating Day ranked right up there with Birthdays. It's a big deal. Special dinner, lots of hot chocolate, Bing and other favorites that we would pick out in advance to play, laughter, jokes, lights tangled everywhere, cats pouncing on everything in sight... You get the idea. Even doing the tree w/my Mom-In-Law had been a time similar to homestyle. But at our house, it was so different, and well... To be honest it was disappointing.
I can hear my Momma, BF, and DH telling me now... "Expectations are premeditated disappointments."
And they are right. So, to continue... We finally let the rascal go and do his thing simply because he was ruining it for all of us. We chose not to fight that battle, plain and simple. Our other boy helped us and had fun, so it was not a complete bummer. I made the mistake at one point though to say out loud that I missed doing Decorating Day with my parents. I think I hurt my DH's feelings with that one... Hmmm... For the record, I apologize.
Anyway... I think he felt bad for my bummed out mood, 'cause he offered Chinese for dinner. Now, for any of y'all out there who do not know me, like at all, I LOVE Asian food!!!!!!!!!! No end in sight for my love of the stuff! Good thing I can cook it, too! I digress, yet again. We had take out from the place in town, which thankfully is great! While our order was cooking, I was able to go to the store a few shops down and get a massive CHOCOLATE FIX! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, I'm hungry right now...) While I was there I happened past a movie clearance bin, and what to my wond'ring eye should appear? The Last Samurai DVD for FIVE $!!!!!!!!!! I am a happy camper now. So, I learned my lesson(s) from this year:

1 Do not do the tree the day after doing someone else's.

2 Do the tree earlier in the day, so Kiddos won't be crabby.


4 Have Chinese and Chocolate on hand for afterwards.

5 Always leave some ornaments in the box to laugh at next year. (Ya know, the ones given to you that are just weird or make no sense, like blown glass chili peppers the size of my forearm.)

6 Plan ahead so that the couch is cleared off (no laundry or magazines allowed), the dishes done (way too guilt inspiring), no NFL games on to compete with, etc...

7 (Just because I cannot leave it on 6-- I don't like the #6.) RELAX and HAVE FUN!!!

So, there you have it. My new Christmas traditions. We'll see how they hold up...

"And now for something completely different..." I must be off and pick up the Kiddos from school. Hopefully we'll get internet at home soon... (Please, Y'shua?)

Loves to all!!

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Somethings are just good.

Today I have spent the day with my Mom-in-Law setting up her Christmas tree. As I sit here on her computer to do this, I have come to the conclusion that some things are just good. Things like having my DH, Kiddos, and family together. My Mom-in-Law and I did not get along at first, to put it mildly... So to be here like this today, laughing and having fun together is a wonderful blessing. My love cup is running over. God is so good to me. Well, dinner is ready, so I guess that is all for today!
Loves to all!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Oh! I did it?!

Okay, so I never thought I would do this kind of thing... Well, here I am!
Welcome to the pages of my mind.
Right now I am staring at the clock which tells me it is time to sign off and get to the school to pick up my kiddos!
Right. Well, I guess any thing else will just have to wait.
Congrats to all NaNoWriMo Winners!! And to those who tried valiantly, keep going! I know it's hard, but it is worth it!!
Loves to my Kata and Kirei!