Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just for fun...

Hey Y'all!!!! I have a little bit of fun for you... Brought to you by my arch nemesis... Youtube. I spend way too much time getting lost in vids, or more appropriately, the music.

There is a slight disclaimer about the clip here:
This happens from 45-49 seconds into it. There is a timer at the bottom so ya know.
A sumptuous blond (Hevn-sama) pulls a cell phone out from a *struggles for the word and gives up* spot.

It is a short "eye-bounce" for any who might be wary.

So without further ado...

This is called an AMV (Anime Music Video) for those new to this sort of thing. People make these and can enter them in contests and show them at conventions, etc.

WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, enjoy!

Loves to all...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wounded Wolf/Vision Commentary

Hello to all and sundry!
I took this REALLY rough excerpt from the NaNoWriMo novel that I started in '06. I reached the goal of over 50,000 words, but the novel was only near the mid-way point. I have started diving into it again.

Can we say, "ABSORPTION POINT," class?!?!?!?!?!?!

So, I apologize in advance, y'all... Write... Must write...

See you whenever I end up emerging from the "story-membrane." My cocoon is pretty thick...

Loves to all...

P.S. Believe it or not, not all of my writing revolves around blood being spilled... I just tend to be able to write these scenes a bit more coherently than the rest! :D

Vulnerable Wolf /Vision

Little needles of pain coalesced where his fist tightened and pulled her head so that she was forced to look into his hard eyes. Had a gasp been possible, she would have. The normally guarded and tempered gates into his soul were gone, replaced with an inner maelstrom that only she could see.

The forest quailed under the lash of hail; lightning split asunder trees at random. Shadowed figures assaulted a weary, wounded wolf with taloned hands. Blood slicked the already rain-soaked ground, bits of fur, flesh, and melting shadows dotted the area. The wolfs claws sunk into the mud, providing little purchase for his weak defenses; he did not even attempt to attack now. Soon, the shadows would overwhelm him. Someone was screaming, she could hear it, but it seemed so far away...

She was falling, she knew this sensation; like falling in a dream and jolting awake as the ground rushes up to meet you. The solid impact of her body awkwardly slamming into the ground brought her fully out of the trance. Next to her lay a wolf, its gray-brown fur matted in places. No blood. There was no blood. The realization slammed into her mind and she choked back a sob. Relief flooded through her. She flung herself at the wolf and buried her hands and face into the fur around his neck. His breath came in ragged, shallow gulps.

A hand on her shoulder made Kala jump nearly out of her skin. She had forgotten the rest of the world existed.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My bad!!!

Hey Howdy Hey Y'all!!
Wow, it has been a long time! Sorry to leave ya hanging. Needless to say, I have been busy.

Life has a way of coming at a person in rapid fire spurts interspersed with languid shallows, ya know?

I spent a little more than a week up with my BF and her Fam. That was a great experience for me. I really do have to use the term experience. I have not been able to spend that much time with them all at once before. They have a very challenging family situation, and the only way to really appreciate it is to live it for a time. I praise God that we do not face the challenges that they do... I would have cracked a long time ago under such stress. I still marvel at how they go about surviving and living... The grace of our Y'shua truly amazes me!

I pray for them even more fervently now, and am better able to grasp what my Dearest struggles with every day.

Amazing. Simply amazing. *Befuddled shaking of head*

Anyway... : D

While I was up there I attended my first anime convention!! *bouncy, bouncy* YAY!!!!
I cosplayed from a favorite series of mine-- "Haibane Renmei". A dear friend who was visiting at the BF's home went with me, or more correctly, I went with her... She cosplayed from "Please Teacher". I am not familiar all that much with this particular series, but she did the cos really well! *vigorous nods & grins*
We really had a great time!!!

I am sad, relieved, happy, and bummed all at once to be back home. I could not stay away from my DH one hour longer, and I chafed to be with him constantly, and yet...
And yet, I wish I could still be with my BF, my "Mirror." I do not hold much hope in us moving there, or them moving back here, but I like to dream...

Loves to all...