Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Um... I don't really have a title for this one...

Hello to All and Sundry!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post... Life has a way of moving forward, ya know?

The school year is almost out... I am not sure how I feel 'bout that. It will be good to have my boyoes at home with me again. *sigh* I just hope that they will stay off each other's throats!

*tilts head to the side and ponders awhile*

I guess that would be part of my job as Momma, wouldn't it? If I'm doing my end of the whole thing, they will have less to do with fighting themselves. *Shrugs*

I plan on keeping up with their lessons over the break so that they are not behind come fall; if I keep some maintained schedule things will run smoother at home in general.
I have been working on just that for some time now, the schedule, that is.

I still have not had THE TALK w/my DH yet about them attending/ not attending the public school next fall. :P
I am not sure that I want to...

Things have been a bit on the stressful side lately. Friends have been having troubles, my MIL's basement flooded bad, the ministry schedule is picking up... Yeah. A bit busier...

OK! Enough of that!!! :D

I have a new website that is WAY AWESOME!!!!!! If you are into playing music check this site out!!!!!!

It is a lot of fun!
Ok, that's all for now my Dears! I gotta go price & compare mulch... yes, mulch... :)

Loves to all...

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