Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What am I doing again?

I find myself wandering around from thing to thing, not really present at any of them. Wednesday is the busiest day for our Fam. Kind of a run here, run there sort of day without much time to breath. So here I sit and I refuse to budge till I've had a chance to do just that! So there! I feel much better now.

Have you ever had those kind of days when your brain is stuck in a fog? My BF and I were talking about that while I attempted to burn a CD using Microsoft Media Player. (Insane, I know... I still have some, emphasis on some, hair left.) I still have not been able to test the new CD to see if it worked. :( Anyhoo, I digress... I feel like I have my feet dangling out of the cloud, and a few wispy hairs. Well, my BF insists on the hairs, I can't tell. I know my feet are kicking about a bit, trying to find something solid to ground on, but it is not working.

I suppose I really should quit procrastinating and get home to the next miserable attempt at the Kiddos assignments for tonight's AWANA class. I have my marching orders for my class already. The Kiddos are sooooo far behind on their work. :(

God is good, my friends, and all I need to do is look up...
Have a blessed time till next we post.
Loves to all.

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