Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Let us all get knocked over together... (For ACFW)

Greetings to you again, my Dear Ones.
I have just finished going through my emails and have been bowled over by the prayer requests, again. You know, I really thank Y'shua that He knows exactly what is happening in each of our days/nights/in-betweens. He knows what is going on in our hearts, minds, lives. The amazing love and capacity for understanding astounds me. It knocks me over, repeatedly.

Pain, physical and emotional, runs rampant in this fallen world, yet His hand holds us and guides us. He directs the Church to be His hands and feet when physical/earth-bound needs rise to the front.

I thank El Shaddai that He is a God of compassion; a God who knows what it is to walk in this fallen world. Emmanuel, God with us, and to Him be the glory forever.

I hold your travails and joys in my heart and bring them before His throne, my Beloveds. I may not know what you look like, but I know the One who does. He calls us by name, gives us our identity, and draws us into His family- into His arms. I love you, each and every one, who is called by His grace... And may that same grace pour out on you, cover you, and bring you solace. I will continue to pray, for that is what family does.

May the grace, peace, and joy of our Y'shua cover you and give you strength today- and every day.

Loves to all...

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